martedì 25 aprile 2017

Because SLOW is a Revolution!

It's been a long time since I've sat and done nothing. It's been a long time since anyone has sat and done nothing. In fact, no one seems capable of 'doing nothing' ...
Productivity in this world today is appreciated. It's a good thing. Successful people talk about how life would be so incredibly boring if life was easy-going without any challenge. How do they just want to gogogo GO at everything. In a bid to want to accomplish everything we've set out to do, we rush through things, hurriedly.
Take for example, a day in the life of a person who is obsessed with speed:
Wake up, 20 minutes high intensity workout, shower, grab breakfast on the go (or not at all), text on the commute to work, work all day, dinner while looking at something, try to accomplish even more after work, fall asleep While watching TV, fall asleep, repeat the day over again.
Essentially, at workaholic.
The issue is not so much of being busy with work all the time - it's the mindset. The mindset that life must always be productive, there is no time to be wasted and we should not enjoy, so to speak, most of the time. In today's society, all of the above would be considered being lazy.
When we have programmed our minds to think that way, to adopt that mindset, we are desensitizing ourselves to the world around us. The world is truly a beautiful place, filled with all sorts of interesting, wonderful people, all of whom have different stories to share. What awaits us in the world we live in are experiences, both bad and good, that shape who we are, and make us better people.
It is all out there waiting for us. Just stop for a minute and look up.
Allowing yourself to be sensitive to this world has a lot of benefits. It allows you to develop intuition. Allowing yourself to be sensitive affects how you react to situations, how you make decisions, because you feel things all the more deeply.
It’s not such a bad idea to go slow, because we all only have one life on earth that we are absolutely confident of, and we damn well want to make sure we’ve made the best of it, done what we’ve aimed to do, become the person we want to be… etc, etc.
This all starts with slowing down. Stopping to enjoy things, to reflect on things, to feel things and to understand things. It could be something as simple as jogging along the beach and admiring the sunrise, or thinking about your intentions for the day as you have your morning coffee, or sitting while journaling and just breathing. Enjoy your little moments. Trust me, feeling is the one experience that will convince you of the joy there is in life.
Slow truly is a revolution, it’s the path that so few of us dare to take in this sprinting world. Yet it’s so truly worth it, this alternative.
So let’s ease into it.
#SlowTravel #SlowLife #Slow_is_a_Revolution!